Open source projects
My GitHub account holds most of the open source projects I've ever worked on. The ones I'd mention here are:
Agile Brazil's submission system
This was built for Agile Brazil's 2010 edition and has been in use ever since. It is a Rails application that handles proposal submission, review and selection processes and notifications. The project is available on github and has already been used for another conference (Ágiles 2012).
Agile Brazil's registration system
This was built for Agile Brazil's 2011 edition. It was then dropped in 2012 and reused in 2013. Dropped again in 2014 and it seems like it'll be in use in 2015. Hopefully this will establish it for good. Yet another project that is a Rails application available on github.
Agile Brazil's scheduling system
Cecilia Fernandes started this project to help us share the published schedule for Agile Brazil's 2014 edition. It has a pretty huge list of features to be built to fulfill all the goals we have for it and we hope it'll have a good number of them for 2015. Project is also available on github. This was built as a pure front-end application originally using just regular javascript and jQuery.
Archimedes - The Open CAD
Started this project in college with a group of friends for an Extreme Programming lab course. It was meant to provide an alternative for architects to AutoDesk's monopoly software, AutoCAD. The project tried to get funds from multiple government and union based sources but never managed to see results. It was maintained as part of the university courses but was dropped in 2012, a year after I left Brazil. The code is still available on github. This was built on top of Eclipse's Rich Client Platform (RCP) with Java.
Network Monitor
This is a tiny utility for people who have unstable Internet connections. It was written in Objective-C and I ported most of it to Swift as well. Code is available in github with Objective-C being on the master branch and Swift being on the swift branch.
Presentation Generator
This was a fun project built during a conference with fellow presenters. The idea being that building slides is very annoying and time consuming. As the presentation zen style is fairly common, this project takes a slide name and pulls a random image from google images or flickr. The code for this rails application is also available on github.
Method Finder Gem
This project was started by Fabricio Nascimento with my contributions after a Coding Dojo SP session. We worked with Smalltalk and wondered why Ruby didn't have such a cool tool as "Method Finder" for Smalltalk. Fabricio went on to build it and, as I was using it, had to fix a few issues. Code is also on github.
Closed source projects
As part of my job, I've contributed to multiple closed source projects. Some of which cannot be named or referenced, but others can. Here are a couple that can be named:
This project was built for Paulo Morelli when I was at Agilbits. It was born as an Eclipse RCP application aimed at helping movie script writers to better understand their scripts. It is now evolving to a system to help the writers as well as producers to get a better sense of their scripts over time.
I worked on this project to help evolve what was once the largest and oldest enterprise Rails application in the world. The project helps car dealers to auction their vehicles among themselves with security. It also offers multiple services and handles payments. This was a great experience to maintain a heavily used website with a large infrastructure and lots of initiatives.